Saturday, March 3, 2012

feb photo a day

remember at the beginning of the feb when i said i was going to try a photo a day challenge?

well, i did it!  i took a picture every day!  except for the first 2 days - only because i didn't know the challenge existed...

it was a lot of fun!  i really enjoyed thinking outside the box and trying to be creative.

so, here you go.  my month of feb in instagram pictures.

day 1 - hands  day 2 - stranger  day 3 - 10am  day 4 - dinner

day 7 - button  day 8 - sun (no sun this day, so sunnies!)  day 9 - front door  day 10 - self portrait

day 11 - makes you happy (a 2 y/o that likes to help clean!)  day 12 - inside your closet  day 13 - blue                  day 14 - heart

day 15 - phone (thankfully not mine...)  day 16 - something new (v-day present!)  day 17 - time  day 18 - drink

day 19 - something you hate to do (throw out flowers)  day 20 - handwriting  day 21 - a fave photo of you  day 22 - where you work

day 23 - your shoes  day 24 - inside your bathroom cabinet  day 25 - green  day 26 - night

day 27 - something you ate  day 28 - money ("i hit the jackpot with these 2!")  day 29 - something you're listening to (rain)

i enjoyed the challenge so much, i'm doing on for march too!

want to join??  do it!  check out fat mum slim and have fun!

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